Sending the documentation

Analysis of the documentation

Rapporto di Valutazione

Evaluation Report

Quality Department Supervision

Registration in the List of Qualified Suppliers

Management and Updating of the Qualified Suppliers List

Supplier selection Process

Suppliers are an integral part of the production and organizational process of the Consortium and therefore are selected in order to offer the maximum possible guarantees, satisfying defined requirements and parameters.

Supplier selection process

Sending the documentation to the Purchasing Department in order to obtain the qualification


Analysis of the documentation –> For the evaluation of suppliers, the purchasing department collects all the information and data available on the supplier and analyzes them taking into account: the company structure and technical and productive capacity, the product/service provided, the availability of documentation relating to the product (with particular regard to the CE marking) and / or relating the process (with particular regard to the certification according to ISO 9000), the price and terms of payment, the respect of the delivery terms, the availability of post-sales organization.
Writing of the “Evaluation Report” by the Purchasing department –> the “Evaluation Report” reports the outcome of the assessment in a standardized, coherent and motivated manner.
Quality Department Supervision
Registration in the List of Qualified Suppliers –> The registration of a supplier in the List of qualified suppliers must take place ensuring the correctness and uniformity of the evaluation process.
Management and Updating of the Qualified Suppliers List –> The List of qualified suppliers is a document that is updated by the Purchasing Department with the collaboration of the Quality Department Director.