Thanks to the various investments and to the strong evolutionary thrust, the Consortium has new structures, equipped with top quality machinery, oriented to a logical and functional division of the processes into distinct departments able to facilitate and accelerate the processing flows, implementing previously outsourced services to third parties.
Having integrated all the production phases has allowed the management of the entire production cycle within the Consortium, streamlining procedures and optimizing time and resources.
The founding principles of the Consortium can be summarized in the concepts of “good impresa” that is in the centralization, optimization and enhancement of human, structural and financial resources, in order to guarantee quality and efficiency to the client and a management of safety and quality of work and ran even greater respect for the environment.
The constant training, an efficient administration, the optimal use of every available resource, a look at the future and technological progress are considered fundamental ingredients to overcome the constant objectives that the Consortium has set for itself year by year.